kyungmun eunho bain vari joohyoung sungmin wind chimes editing psd making purple collecting kpop merch polco decorating kpop merch aesthetic soft & happy vibes songs energy drinks cheesecake pudding pizza
insects & spiders fanwars sasaengs akgaes bandwagon stans homophobia violence bullying rpgs jump scares war
most important !!!
younite: kyungmun eunho eunsang
to1: jerome minsu
ghost9: shin junhyung
n.ssign: hanjun doha
nine.i: vari vahn joohyoung
cravity: taeyoung
bdc: sihun seongjun
fantasy boys: wooseok sungmin hanbin lin qi minseo
just b: bain doyum

others: mcnd 8turn nxd ab6ix jay chang one pact b.d.u waterfire onf golden child omega x wei onlee jwiiver &team 1the9 jbj/95 rainz myteen enoi wanna one x1

other artists i have 1 or 2 albums: treasure d1ce the kingdom evnne mxm yena park jihoon (wanna one)

note: i started collecting in 2015, but i don't own anymore albums that got released before 2017, since i don't stan these artists that i collected from 2015 until mid 2017 anymore & even tough i collect since 2015 i only own 220+ albums, but for me it's still a pretty good amount

things you should know: i don't do follow for follow or like for like, I'm super shy & really bad at beginning conversations & keeping them alive, so please don't be sad or mad if i won't answer your comments or dm, i use "^^" alot (especially when i don't know what to write or how i should write what i want to answer in english), i understand everything in english, but have a lot of problems to build my own sentences & with wording stuff in that language